Bulk Lookup

Warranty & product info

You can multiply check the serial numbers of Lenovo, Dell, HP and get warranty and product info. Export to PDF, XLSX, CSV

Bulk lookup warranty and product data Lenovo, HP, Dell

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What are the benefits of your service?

You can bulk check the warranty and product information as memory, display, CPU before you buy or sell. Our service helps you accurately estimate the cost of a batch and save you money. Checking the warranty and product info for large companies means paying a worker to do it manually. By using our service, you can save both time and money.

Our service allows you to check the warranty status and product information: including the size of the SSD/HDD, amount of RAM, processor model, and LCD information. By providing the serial number, you can accurately estimate the cost of a laptop or desktop.

You purchase a specific number of checks, which are then deducted from your balance. Checks do not have an expiration date.
The cost is approximately $0.010 per scan. When you purchase more than 1000 checks, you receive an automatic discount.

Upon registering, you will receive 10 free checks. You can also check the warranty status for a single serial number for free on our home page. This allows you to test our service. If you require additional free checks to test our service, please contact us for a special offer.

Subscriptions can only be purchased using your PayPal account. Currently, payment through cryptocurrencies, credit/debit cards, or invoicing is not available automatically. For further information, you can contact us at support@checkwarranty.info

You can contact as any time. If you need refund or technical support any please contact your manager.

The discount is calculated automatically when you purchase a subscription, depending on the number of checks. See more https://checkwarranty.info/pricing. If you need a custom quote, please email us at support@checkwarranty.info.

Currently the service does not support API access. But we are working on it. If you need access, please let us know. We provide you additional discounts for API access. Please subscribe to updates and notifications.

Some companies check tens of thousands of serial numbers, many of which may not be real.
If the service doesn't find the result or the provided serial number is incorrect, it will not be counted as a deduction from your balance.
This protects you from potential bugs in the service.